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Our Projects



  • To motivate and pull out small, unwilling children of under privileged section, from their homes & make them come to the schools and study.


  • To develop the children not only in basic academics but also in extra curricular activities, cleanliness, personal hygiene, skills & educate them towards self protection from ill intents of strangers. And then attempt to get them admitted to local government schools and those with high aptitude, to get their higher education sponsored by corporate houses.



  • Reach out to as many of these unfortunate children and try improve their mental health and condition and ensuring that they are not in an environment of any kind of physical abuse.


  • Reaching out to the Apex Court of the country and getting the hindi word 'Pagal' completely abolished from usage in any form, by substituting it with a more sensitive and acceptable hindi word.


  • Arranging medicines for them.


Khula Aasman

We at BWF, work in the area of legal reforms and aid, to many 

under trial prisoners by providing legal and financial help to those who have been granted bail but are still languishing in jails because they cannot afford to pay for their bail bonds.

Project: Saakshar

Educate the underprivileged


In India today, 4% of our children never start school, 58% do not complete primary schools. And 90% do not comblete school.


Primary Reasons: Unaffordability and lack of awareness & opportunity. Five of every 40 primary schools in India are conducted

in open spaces and all see an average of three teachers per primary school. There is still a resistance to educate girls and most education funds get diverted to higher studies. Our objective is to provide primary education to children from economically disadvantaged families through our own centres or through partnerships with existing schools. The aim is to ensure that every child discovers his/her true strength and unleash its full potential.


Providing quality education, finding the right faculty, building the right infrastructure, encouraging meaningful research, potential based inclusion in mainstream schools and defining a clear career path post completion of the program form the key blocks of our mission.


The education programme under Pankh, is presently running 3 centres at Ghata, Behrampur and Ullawas villages of Gurgaon. Most students are children of the labour community, facility management and domestic staff of residents. They are the ones who, for one reason or the other, have not been able to get into Government Schools.



Our Vision

  • To motivate and pull out small, unwilling children of under privileged section, from their homes & make them come to the schools.


  • To develop the children not only in basic academics but also in extra curricular activities, cleanliness, personal hygiene, skills & educate them towards self protection from ill intents of strangers. And attempt to get them admitted to local government schools and those with high aptitude, to get their higher education sponsored by corporate houses.

Project: Santulan

Care to those with an intellectual disability

Most people with disability in India do not go to school; most never get a job and are dependent burdens on their family. They are living lives of frustration, exclusion and untapped potential while the country loses a valuable resource. People with disability are a

significant part of any community. Yet in India, opportunities for them are limited or non-existent.


Childhood psychiatric cases are more serious in middle / low income countries, like ours, that is estimated to have 12 million

children living with disabilities. Of these, only 1% have access to schools. One in every four Indian children (13-15 years) suffer from depression and numbers for Recurrent Depressive Disorders (2.6%), Agoraphobia (2.3%). Intellectual Disability (1.7%), Autism Spectrum Disorder (1.6%), Phobic anxiety disorder (1.3%) and psychotic disorder (1.3%) are rather disturbing.


With this eternal hope for a better life, Betterworld Foundation aims to alleviate human suffering by providing relief and rehabilitation facilities for those with intellectual disabilities, with a focus on children, especially those who fall socially and economically outside the reach of mainstream support services. Our services include providing early intervention, education, livelihoods development,

training and awareness with a hope that one day every person with a disability in India will attain full inclusion.

Our Vision

  • Reach out to as many of these unfortunate children and try improve their mental health and condition and ensuring that they are not in an environment of any kind of physical abuse.


  • Reaching out to the Apex Court of the country and getting the hindi word 'Pagal' completely abolished from usage in any form, by substituting it with a more sensitive and acceptable hindi word.

Project: Khula Aasman 

Implementation of Legal Reforms Including Reforms in Indian Jails & relief to the under trials

It is estimated that India has over 3.20 Lakh under trials in Indian Jails. Most of these people are caught for very petty crimes but remain stuck in jails because they cannot afford to furnish bail amounts. Under trials often face physical and psychological abuse, sometimes even torture in jails. They also contribute in overcrowding of our already overly populated jails.


We at BWF, work in the area of legal reforms and aid, to many such under trial prisoners by providing legal and financial help to those who have been granted bail but are still languishing in jails because they cannot afford to pay for their bail bonds.

Our Vision

  • Undertrials: 67% of total inmates in Indian jails are undertrials where the crime is yet to be established. Very often they have spent more time behind the bars than what their crime, if established, would require them to do. Absolutely unfair. All this is because of our slow judicial process. Also, so many are languishing in jails because of their inability to furnish small value bail bonds. BWF aims to take up both matters at the highest levels with the Government and the Law Ministry and seeks amendment in prevailing laws, so that the burden on Courts is moved and thousands of undertrials and convicts, who have release orders against bail can be set free and become part of mainstream society.


  • Section 265A/265L of Criminal Code Procedure lays down process of Plea bargaining, accordingly, in any agreement in a criminal case between the prosecutor and defendant whereby the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a particular charge in return for some concession from the prosecutor. This is not being patronized by the courts and which could, if encouraged, bring a lot of pressure from the courts and judicial system, down. BWF proposes to work with the government in implementation of these sections, rather whole heartedly.

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